Below you find a complete list of my publications since 2007.
For my weekly posts including short texts such as articles, notes, translations, and book reviews all relating to the Persian language and literature in the persophone and germanophone countries, please visit the website:
„Selbstbildung, Gesellschaftsumschaffung und Zivilisationsherausbildung“ im postrevolutionären Iran. Eine Überblicksdarstellung der „Erklärung des zweiten Schritts der Revolution“ von Ajatollah Khamenei mit abschließendem Augenmerk auf einigen kulturpolitischen Aspekten
[“Building up Oneself, Reshaping the Society and Stablishing a New Civilization” in Post-Revolutionary Iran. An Analytical Overview of the “Declaration of the Second Step of the Revolution” by Ayatollah Khamenei with a Focus on Some Cultural-Political Aspects]
Note: Scientific article in German, published in SPEKTRUM IRAN. Zeitschrift für islamisch-iranische Kultur, issue no. 1 & 2, Berlin
نگاهی فهرستوار به ترجمههای آلمانی آثار نظامی از قرن هجدهم میلادی تا امروز
[An Overview of German Translations of Nezami´s Works since the 18th Century]
Note: Scientific article in Persian, published in Haftgonbad Int´l. Research & Culture Quarterly, issue no. 8 & 9, Teheran
Die nationale Varietät des plurizentrischen Persisch in Zentralasien. Iranische Sichtweisen auf das Tadschikische
[The National Variety of the Pluricentric Persian in Central Asia. Iranian Perspectives on Tajiki]
Note: Scientific book in German, published by Springer & J. B. Metzler, Berlin
Iranische Selbstbilder aus Schulbuchperspektive. Ein Beitrag zum iranisch-deutschen Kulturdialog
[Iranian Self-Images Taken from a Textbook Perspective. A Contribution to the Iranian-German Cultural Dialogue]
Note: Scientific article in German, published in SPEKTRUM IRAN. Zeitschrift für islamisch-iranische Kultur, issue no. 3 & 4, Berlin
پیش به سوی چندزبانگی. با کودکان به زبان(های) خودتان صحبت کنید
Original title: “So geht Mehrsprachigkeit. Mit Kindern die Familien- sprache(n) sprechen”
[How Multilingualism Works. Talking to the Children in the Family Language]
Note: Persian translation of a science-based flyer about multilingualism in German by multiple authors e-published by the Berlin Interdisciplinary Network for Multilingualism BIVEM, Berlin[How Multilingualism Works. Talking to the Children in the Family Language]
پیش به سوی چندزبانگی. غلبه بر پیشداوریها و بهره از فایدهها
Original title: “So geht Mehrsprachigkeit. Vorurteile überwinden & Vorteile nutzen”
[How Multilingualism Works. Overcoming Prejudice and Profiting from the Advantages]
Note: Persian translation of a science-based flyer about multilingualism in German by multiple authors e-published by the Berlin Interdisciplinary Network for Multilingualism BIVEM, Berlin
پیش به سوی چندزبانگی. حتی با وجود اختلال زبانی و گفتاری
Original title: “So geht Mehrsprachigkeit … trotz einer Sprach- entwicklungsstörung”
[How Multilingualism Works. Despite Developmental Language Disorder]
Note: Persian translation of a science-based flyer about multilingualism in German by multiple authors e-published by the Berlin Interdisciplinary Network for Multilingualism BIVEM, Berlin
پیش به سوی چندزبانگی. کتاب خواندن برای کودک، رشد زبانی او را تقویت می کند
Original title: “So geht Mehrsprachigkeit. Vorlesen fördert die Sprachentwicklung”
[How Multilingualism Works. Reading out to Children Fosters Langauge Development]
Note: Persian translation of a science-based flyer about multilingualism in German by multiple authors e-published by the Berlin Interdisciplinary Network for Multilingualism BIVEM, Berlin
پیش به سوی چندزبانگی. قدر هر زبانی را بدانید
Original title: “So geht Mehrsprachigkeit. Sprachen wertschätzen”
[How Multilingualism Works. Appreciating Every Language]
Note: Persian translation of a science-based flyer about multilingualism in German by multiple authors e-published by the Berlin Interdisciplinary Network for Multilingualism BIVEM, Berlin
گفتگوی فرهنگها: ایران و آلمان از دریچهی نگاه به خود و دیگری. گزارشی کوتاه از یک وبینار
[Dialog of cultures: Iran and Germany seen from the inner and outer perspective. A short report on a webinar]
Note: Analytical report in Persian, published on the website of the Iranian Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, Teheran
Zwischen Kulturkampf und Kulturdialog. Zur Auswärtgen Kulturpolitik der Islamischen Republik Iran gegenüber dem Westen oder zum Iran-Image im Westen seit 1979
[Between Cultural Struggle and Cultural Dialogue. On the Foreign Cultural Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran toward the West or on Iran’s Image in the West since 1979]
Note: Scientific article in German, published in SPEKTRUM IRAN. Zeitschrift für islamisch-iranische Kultur, issue no. 3 & 4, Berlin
The development of Persian as a pluricentric language
[English translation of the above mentioned title not needed]
Note: Scientific article in English, published in: Pluricentric Languages and Non-Dominant Varieties Worldwide. New Pluricentric Languages – Old Problems, ed. by Rudof Muhr & Benjamin Meisnitzer, Peter Lang, Berlin
Zum Sprachgendern. Mit einem Seitenblick auf die persische Sprache
[On Language Genderizing. With a Side Glance at the Persian Language]
Note: Scientific article in German, published in SPEKTRUM IRAN. Zeitschrift für islamisch-iranische Kultur, issue no. 1, Berlin
Führt eine geschlechtslose Sprache zu einer Entdiskriminierung? Fallbeispiel: Persisch
[Does a Genderless Language Lead to De-discrimination? A Case Study on Persian]
Note: Journalistic article in German, published in the online magazine MultiPerspektivisch, Berlin
Wiederentdeckung von sprachlicher Gemeinsamkeit. Iranische Sichtweisen auf „tadschikisches Persisch“. Eine soziolinguistische Untersuchung. Von den 1920ern bis heute
[Rediscovering Linguistic Commonality. Iranian Perceptions of “Tajik Persian”. A Sociolinguistic Study. From the 1920s to the Present]
Note: Scientific Book in German based on my PhD research project, e-published by the Library of the Humboldt University of Berlin
Persisch vs. Farsi, Dari und Todschiki? Ein Notiz zur Betrachtung des Persischen als plurizentrische Sprache
[Persian vs Farsi, Dari and Tajiki? A Note on Considering Persian as a Pluricentric Language]
Note: Scientific article in German, published in the book of selected contributions for the international conference on urgent Problems in applied linguistics and academic studies of translation, literature and foreign language teaching at universities at the pedagogical Sadreddin-Ayni-university of Tajikistan, Dushanbe
Irans Image im Wandel? Die auswärtige Kulturpolitik Irans im 20. Jahrhundert
[Is Iran’s Image Changing? Iran’s Foreign Cultural Policy in the 20th Century]
Note: Research-based journalistic article in German, published in Politik & Kultur. Zeitung des Deutschen Kulturrates, issue no. 1/17, Berlin
گزارشی از یک همایش زبانشناسان اجتماعی در آلمان. زبانهای چندمرکزی و زبانگونه های غیرغالب
[A report on a sociolinguistic conference in Germany. Pluricentric languages and non-dominant varieties]
Note: Analytical report in Persian, published on the website of the Iranian Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, Teheran
پدیدهی تاجیکی. گفتاری دربارهی تناسب هویتهای زبانمحور و محلمحور
Original title: “‘Das tadschikische Phänomen’. Zum Verhältnis sprachlich und regional begründeter Identitäten”
[“The Tajik Phenomenon”. On the relationship between linguistically and regionally based identities]
Note: Persian Translation of a scientific article in German by Lutz Rzehak published in the e-journal Heidelberger Brief-Mitteilungen zur Iranistik, issue no. 2, Heidelberg
یادداشتهایی دربارهی چهارطاقیهای قصرشیرین و ایزدخواست
Original title: “Bemerkungen zu den Chahar Tags (Vierbogenbauten) von Nasr-i Shirin und Izadkhast”
[Remarks on the Chahar Tags (four-arch buildings) of Nasr-i Shirin and Izadkhast]
Note: Persian translation of a scientific article in German by Wolfram Kleiss in: Nāmvarnāmah. Papers in honour of Massoud Azarnoush, ed. by Hamid Fahimi & Karim Alizadeh, Iran Negar, Teheran
گنجینه ی کتابهای هیتلر در کتابخانه ی کنگره ی آمریکا
Original title: “Büchernarr Hitler”
Note: Persian translation of a journalistic article in German by Christina Bergmann e-published in the Iranian Readers of Le Monde Diplomatique, Teheran
دانشجویان پر و بال میگیرند
Original title: “Die neue Partei, die die deutsche politische Landschaft aufmischt. Studenten fühlen sich beflügelt”
[The new party that is shaking up the German political landscape. Students feel inspired]
Note: Persian translation of a journalistic article in German by Peter Linden e-published in the Persian version of Le Monde Diplomatique, Paris/Teheran
فردریک و الیاس. داستان قورباغه و فیل
Original title: “Frederic the Frog and Elias the Elephant”
[English translation of the above mentioned title not needed]
Note: Persian translation of a children´s book in English by Asbjorn Lonvig e-published on his personal website, Hedensted/Denmark
داستان جک دهقان
Original title: “The Story of Farmer Jack and His Animals”
[English translation of the above mentioned title not needed]
Note: Persian translation of a children´s book in English by Asbjorn Lonvig e-published on his personal website, Hedensted/Denmark
یک روز در باغوحش با سم و لوکا
Original title: “At the Zoo with Sam and Lucca”
[English translation of the above mentioned title not needed]
Note: Persian translation of a children´s book in English by Asbjorn Lonvig e-published on his personal website, Hedensted/Denmark
روزی در کافهی قبرستان
Original title: “Im Café auf dem Friedhof”
[At the Café of the Cemetery]
Note: Persian translation of a journalistic article in German by Mathias Greffrath e-published in the Persian version of Le Monde Diplomatique, Paris/Teheran
گذشته تاريخی و دستاوردهای سيستم آموزش عالی در آمريکا
Original title: “Bar the Rich and America’s Campuses Would Wmpty. Education for Sale in the Land of the Free”
[English translation of the above mentioned title not needed]
Note: Persian translation of a journalistic article in English by Christopher Newfield e-published in the Persian version of Le Monde Diplomatique, Paris/Teheran
Vorschlag eines Iraners zur Schriftreform des Arabischen
Original title: “پیشنهاد یک نویسندهٔ ایرانی برای اصلاح خط عرب”
[“A suggestion by an Iranian scholar on how to reform the Arabic script”]
Note: German translation of an article in Persian by Alinaqi Monzavi published on his personal website, Teheran